Home - Necklaces - Designer Necklaces - Sterling Silver and Lapis Lazuli Waterfall Necklace

Sterling Silver and Lapis Lazuli Waterfall Necklace

Sterling Silver and Lapis Lazuli Waterfall Necklace
A gorgeous Lapis cascade for your d?collet?! This necklace design was specially commissioned to us, and became an instant best-seller! It dramatic, yet light and easy to wear. This necklace is handcrafted in 950 Sterling Silver, featuring oval Lapis Lazuli modules. The necklace features silver chains at the end, to allow length adjustment.

This necklace has a drop (bib part) of 5.5 inches W x 2.75 inches T. The overall necklace's length is 17 inches. Each module measures approximately 0.35 inches L x 0.27 inches W.

SKU NE-714
Market price: £1497.32
Our price: £479.18 (555.85)

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